Central Texas Food Bank closes its doors Thursday due to winter weather
Central Texas Food Bank along with its food distributors will close its doors. Help Action is a good option for someone in need of goods.
AUSTIN, Texas — On Wednesday, Central Texas Food Bank told KVUE it will close its doors on Thursday due to winter weather. This includes the actual food bank along with its distributors.
“While hunger is a big problem, we don’t want any of our clients, volunteers or team members to risk their own safety in the conditions that are being predicted,” said a Central Texas Food Bank spokesperson.
By Thursday at 4 p.m., they said they’ll decide whether to reopen on Friday.
However, while this food bank is closed, there is another resource for families in need.
Help Action is a volunteer delivery system for those who can’t get to a food pantry or grocery store.
“So, people who are stuck at home … who couldn’t get to a grocery store – the elderly, the sick, anyone who is trapped inside – could put in a request for up to five food items, five of essential needs,” said John Hernandez, Help Action executive director. “It would find a volunteer who would take on that delivery request, pick up the items and drop it off to them.”
During the February storm last year, they delivered food to about 200 people. The icy roads didn’t stop them, and because their volunteer base is so big they expect to help as many people this time around.
The good thing about having so many volunteers is volunteers can decide to take on or put off the request depending on how the roads are looking by where they live. If they deny, it’s easily passed on for another volunteer to accept or deny.
Meals on Wheels, another home delivery service, told KVUE it did not deliver food this week, but all the clients are covered until next week.
Hernandez is happy people have an option like Help Action.
“Food accessibility shouldn’t be something that we’re worried about, especially during a major storm like this,” said Hernandez. “We should be able to use our phones just as easily to say, ‘Hey, I need assistance and I need it now.'”
If you’re looking to make a request for essentials head over to this link.
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